Wednesday, October 19, 2011

G.W. Exotic Animal Park
is taking in 3 Zebras!!

Just got a phone call today. A lady is needing to give up her animals because she can not afford to care for them anymore. We are going to pick them up Monday the 24th but we need your help! We are going to build a nice corral so we can put the zebras on display. This will be our first zebras ever here at the park so we are excited but that means we are taking on more expenses coming into winter. By Monday we must purchase all the materials and build the display. Joe measured it out and is approximating that we will need $1,400.00 to complete this task.
We are also receiving 6 donkeys, 4 llamas, 1 sika deer and a green winged macaw. We need your help! In return we hope to have an awesome Zebra Display now for the public to enjoy. Please if you can make a donation via Paypal or call the office 405-665-1003 and make a payment over the phone with a credit card so we can purchase supplies right away. All donations are greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to making the park better for everyone to enjoy. Plus we're saving animals from starving or being abandoned. Thank you so much!!

GW Park Staff

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